
Hi, I’m Gerben Senior UX designer based in the Netherlands. I help companies with the design of their applications, branding and products.

Design for better human experience

My work exists of researching applications, websites and their users. I create profiles and develop prototypes for testing a customer journey. In this proces most of the design is created based on existing modals and knowledge. I create human friendly experiences within the branding of a product or company.

My spark

From a young age I have a love for drawing and creating. That led to my education in graphic design, art and applied techniques.

In the late eighties and begin nineties I got more involved in working with computers and the digital domain. My first steps in designing and building websites and applications.


From 1996 I started working as freelance designer. At first I worked in print as well as digital. As digital got bigger, I focussed more and more on the digital domain.

I worked in various roles – online marketing, frontend development, business development -, but the main course has always been design – interaction design, visual design, animation, UX / UI design –


Today my focus is on UX / UI design. I love doing projects creating better experiences for applications and websites at large companies in teams, as well as helping startups bringing their ideas to life.


Well this is a very short summary for me 😄 I love talking about my work and other stuff.. in abundance!
I’m always open minded towards people and new ideas. My years of experience pay out, helping making good decisions and projects to succeed. After that, this will be celebrated with champagne or a good beer with the team.